Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A while after her husband had died, this lady decided to attend a seance to try and make contact with him. The medium did her thing and soon the woman was able to communicate with her dearly departed. She asked him what it was like on the other side. He said, " It's so wonderful here , the skys are always blue, the rivers and streams, and fields and forest, they are all so beautiful and there are white-tail does everywhere, does everywhere!" he repeated. She said, "Somehow I didn't picture any hunting in heaven?" "Who said anything about hunting or heaven." he said, " I've been re-incarnated, I'm a eight point buck in southern Saskatchewan. "

A British mother and daughter were travelling on the train in the eighteen hundreds from Quebec City, going to Victoria, B.C. As they pulled into one station, it was a hot summer day and the windows on the car were open. The mother said to her daughter, " There, that man on the platform , ask him where we are?" The daughter did as she was told. The answer from the native was ,"Saskatoon, Saskatchewan." " What did he say, said the mother. The daughter said, "He doesn't speak English."

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