Thursday, May 24, 2007

Billy took five mainlanders from Shearwater to hunt with his uncle for a week in Cape Breton.
After the long drive to C.B. they finally arrived at his uncles farm. Billy got out of the car with a bottle of rum and told the boys to stretch their legs while he went in to see his uncle. Uncle was glad to see Billy and very much looked forward to the week with his navy friends and especially to the groceries and liquor they had. Billy found a couple of glasses and poured Uncle a shot. Meanwhile the guys were outside scratching the old horses neck, over the fence. After another shot of rum, Uncle asked Billy a favour. " While you're here Billy, you and the boys could do something for me! The old horse is on her last legs, one day this week maybe you could shoot her for me and bury her." " No problem," said Billy. After another shot of rum Billy got a bright idea. "Litsen Uncle," he said, " Let's you and I have some fun with my friends. I"ll go out right now, get my gun and shoot the horse, as soon as you hear the shot, you come out shaking your fist,angry as hell." Billy went out, telling his friend to open the trunk! He started getting his gun out and loading it. His buddys were all talking at the same time. " What are you doing Billy?" What the hell is going on, Billy?" Billy said, " I can't believe it, the old buger doen't want us hunting on his land, he's become a Bambi lover in his old age." " What are you doing, Billy?"
Billy aimed the gun and shot the horse. Uncle came running out on cue, shouting and hollering."
The five friends jumped in the car and sped down the laneway to the highway. Billy and uncle, were laughing themselves silly. They went in the house and laughed some more while pouring another drink. "That was a good one ," uncle said, "but your buddys are gone Billy."
"Come on," Billy said. They got into Uncle's truck and drove to the nearest motel. Before the boys checked in, Billy and Uncle told them the joke.

CC#28 I was telling this story in the tavern one day, and someone at the table, said that was not a true story, a guy got up from another table, he said ,I was listening and believe me, it's true, I was one of Billy's friends.

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