Sunday, May 6, 2007

I first met Jimmy Flynn in the woods in Nova Scotia , just after he had shot his first deer. It was a nice eight pointer and he and his friend were estatic. They had shot many moose in Newfoundland growing up, but this was their first whitetail. They were dragging the deer by the hind legs. Now , you just don't drag a moose, so it was easy to understand their mistake. I explained to them that the deer would drag much easier if they dragged it by the antlers. That's the way us mainlanders did it. Years later Jimmy and I were discussing that first encounter, and he told me what transpired after I left them. They were taking lots of breaks and getting very tired dragging the deer.
During one break, Jimmy's friend said , " Jim, I think that mainlander was having fun with us!"
Jimmy said, " Why do you say that?" " Well, think about it, Jim, I know it drags much easier this way, but we keep getting further and further from the truck."

CC#9 One of Jimmy's own jokes, revised.

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