Saturday, May 5, 2007

These guys were sitting around bragging about their hunting. One guy said he didn't need any high powered rifle, he had shot deer and moose and black bear with a 22 caliber, the next said he hunted with a bow and arrow, I told them I hunted with a club! They said, " Aren't you afraid to hunt with a club?" I said, " What's to be scared of, there's over twenty guys in my club."

CC#6 The first groaner, origin unknown.

Joe's daughter came to visit, he had a big circular driveway and many pheasants on his property. On entering the house his daughter told him she hit one of the pheasants while driving up, but couldn't find it. That's OK , he said. Next time she visited Joe told her he seen the pheasant she hit, and it was fine. She said, "Oh, Dad, how would you know it was the same pheasant?" " That was easy!" he said, "It had a dent in it's side!"

CC#7 I heard this from Joe Casey, MLA for Digby area at a wildlife dinner.

When the geese fly down south in their famous "V" formation, it seems that one side of the "V" is always longer than the other. Why is that? If you are an outfitter and don't know the answer to this one, I ain't going goose hunting with you.

CC#8 I have asked outfitters this question, most don't know.

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