Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Whenever we went hunting or fishing we always had breakfast at the same place for years.
Whether I had pancakes or eggs I always had my bowl of corn flakes first. All the waitresses got to know this, so one morning one of the waitresses thought she would have a little fun with me. She had put a line through corn flakes on the menu, as she placed it in front of me, then said, "Paul, I just had to scratch something you really like!" I said, "Good, now how about washing your hands and bringing me a bowl of corn flakes."

CC #19 Paul Crawford

I was going hunting one day and decided to take a short cut, I didn't see the farmer's bull anywhere so thought I could get to my stand earlier if I crossed the field. Over the fence I went, all of a sudden there was the bull coming. I ran for the nearest tree. It was a big old apple tree and I made it up just in time. The bull was so angry, he began butting the tree for all he was worth. He butted, and he butted, finally I made up my mind I would shoot him. I got the gun loaded and took aim. Just then I heard a growl above me, I looked up and there was a bear futher up the tree. Well, now I had a dilemma, I had found only one shell in my pocket, must have lost the rest running. One bullet and I had to decide whether to shoot the bull, or shoot the bear. I thought about it for a few moments and shot the bear. It wasn't a hard decision, as you
all know, you can "shoot the bull" anytime.

CC#20 Paul Crawford

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