A Cape Bretoner said to his buddy,"If I was to go to bed with your wife while you're away huntin , would that make us related?" No!, his buddy said, " But it would make us even!"
I grew up in Fairview, a village on the edge on Halifax,Nova Scotia, now part of the Hfx Regional Municipality. Fairview was horse and wagon when I was a kid, right up to the mid-fifties.I always lived in the same house. I lived on Geizer's Hill, Lightning Hill, Duke of Kent Street or Main Avenue as it is now called, right opposite Fairview School ,later called Titus Smith school. Where Clayton Park is today was still a "western forest". My boyhood was mainly on Bedford Basin, or anywhere from Ashburn golf course to Mount St. Vincent Univ. A wonderful book exists called " The Little Dutch Village", covering the first two hundred years of life along the Dutch Village road, from the North West Arms waters to the Basin. My nostalgia only goes back to around 1944, my first memories were of Bedford Naval Magazine blowing up.Please join me on my blog and share your memories of "Fairview Forgotten"
I first started collecting hunting and fishing stories when I went to Buchan's, Newfoundland in 1962. Hence my humourous collection. I started the blog "a motley existance" to share all other good jokes and other aspects of my life, a very colourful life ,in my opinion.
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